Thanks for Being Here!

Hi everyone,

I’m so glad you’re visiting the site. If you’re picking up what we’re putting down here, here are some handy tips to remind you to check us out more often.

• Sign up for notifications, conveniently located on your right. Thanks to the FGP peeps on Facebook, I’ve streamlined the email that comes to you when I post new essays. They don’t have images and they’re posted before anything else. (I did this because I didn’t realize how many people read the internet on their phones! Not me, man. I recently sent a text to my mother in which I called her something in Spanish. I’m not sure what.) I write an introduction (no spoilers!) to each essay; they’re just a couple paragraphs and I work pretty hard on them. You have to confirm that you’ve signed up—it might be in your spam box or, if you use gmail, it might be in your promotions box. The emails come in the wee hours, so insomniacs? Got you covered.

• You can also join the Full Group People Facebook page. The updates happen whenever I wake up—I’m not a morning person, so you’ll have to wait until I have my first cup of tea. There’s a small intro there (not the same as the one you get with the notifications). It’s a good way to share stuff.

• FGP has a Twitter page. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a great Twitter citizen, but I do update when we have a new post.


I can’t even thank the people who contributed to the tip jar enough. We’re getting closer to recouping the expenses I put out to start this. I tear up every time we get one. I know that there’s a great TED talk on not making people pay for things but letting them, but if you grew up without a lot of money, it’s tough, emotionally. Thank you. Really.

Finally, I’m hoping that you’ll tell the people in your lives about Full Grown People. There’s an insane amount of talent here in FGP’s writers and artists, and I’d love for them to get an insane amount of recognition.



2 thoughts on “Thanks for Being Here!

  1. I’m happy to post about you on my own blog — do you have something in particular that you’d like me to share? I get a whole lot of readers, and they’re parents, artists, writers, disability advocates, poets, etc., so I know they’d appreciate all that you’re doing!

    1. Thanks so much, Elizabeth! I’d love if you’d mention FGP in any way you’d like to.

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