By Jenny Poore
I have a meeting with a senator in two days. A real senator, too, not a state one. They say that he’s very handsome in real life. Like, when they make lists of things like that, of handsome senators, he’s usually on that list so it’s been suggested and verified by multiple other people, not just me. As I write this, two days before I meet the handsome senator, I am aware of a giant red bump protruding from my face, sitting above my upper lip and below my nose.
I have been torn all week between messing with the zit and just leaving it alone. I want it to be invisible immediately, but to make it be invisible immediately you have to mess with it, touch it and, poke at it with concealers that thwart the fairly effective spot treatment gel that I sometimes must use. The alternative (leaving it alone) means that the medicine is free to do its work. But to do this, to make it go away faster, means to leave it unconcealed where I must confront it whenever I pass my reflection (in mirrors, shiny appliances, freshly washed windows.) My four year old reminds me of it. Mommy, there’s something red above your nose, she says although she means below my nose.
I got an email last night from the senator’s people; they would like me to introduce the senator to the group of women I am hosting. Can I prepare remarks? Of course I can, of course. I can certainly do that. Instead of thinking of my remarks, though, I wonder how many more coatings of medicine I can get on my face in two days to make the zit be gone.
For several years, an evangelist lived across the street from us. He was a grade-A moron but he loved the lord, and in the city where I live, you don’t have to be smart to make people give you money and tell you you’re awesome—you just have to love the lord and encourage others to do the same. I’d walk past my window and see him across the street behind his screen door wearing nothing but a pair of tiny shorts, talking on the phone, and patting his soft belly. He’d yell into the phone loudly, quoting scripture I assumed, then he’d laugh and pat his belly some more, technically inside his house but he might as well have been outside you could see him so easily. He wore cheap suits and let his dog shit in all the neighbors’ yards. He was friendly and loud and stupid, and I couldn’t stand him. He was a man that takes up space and makes noise like there will never be a shortage of either.
I’m meeting the senator because I run an organization that teaches young people how to love writing. He is a good senator, in addition to being handsome, and he is meeting with area businesswomen. My organization was founded by women and is run mostly by women, so it sort of makes sense.
Yesterday during a workshop, I was helping a girl who always comes to our workshops even though I don’t think she really likes them. Every time she’s there I end up trying to get her to finish whatever she started working on because she just tunes out. She acts like it’s school even though most kids act like it’s the opposite of school—like it’s fun and they’re there because they want to be there. The kids had been led through a series of exercises that left them with a handful of ingredients that they could readily bake into poems. She already had all her ingredients right there on the paper. The poem just had to be assembled, and all she had to do was write it down.
“Nah, I’m not doing it anymore. I hate doing this. I’m not writing.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked her. “You have everything right there—why won’t you write your poem? “
She’d been scribbling with her pencil, generally looking as disinterested as an eleven- year-old can look, crumpling up her paper and moving her chair around. She stopped suddenly and looked right up at me.
“You’re not going to hang it on the wall anyway even if I do.” She said this like it was a challenge.
Sometimes I hang the kids’ stuff on the wall. Not all the kids’ stuff, but some of it if they’re particularly proud of it or it’s especially funny or good or if I need to cover a crack in the plaster. I never thought that she’d noticed or cared but the mother in me realized I’d been played. Of course she cared. She just figured I didn’t.
“I will hang your poem on the wall. As soon as you are done writing it I will hang it on the wall. I promise.”
“Seriously?” Her eyes blazed.
“Seriously.” She sat down and wrote her poem.
The stupid evangelist had a really sweet wife. She was young and fresh and seemed mostly resigned to the fact of her doom with this man. I was walking the neighborhood with my mother one night close to Christmas when we saw him in his front yard. Knowing that his sweet wife had gone into labor that morning, we asked after her and their new baby.
“Well, it’s a girl.” He said and paused. “But that’s okay. There’s always next time.” He waved half-heartedly and was gone before me and my stunned mother realized what he’d said and how much we hated him for it.
When her poem was finished, I hung it on the wall. On her way out the door, she nodded her head as if she was thinking, “It’s about goddamn time.” I put it in a place where the senator will see it when he comes in two days. He’ll notice it either before or after we shake hands and either before or after he notices or doesn’t notice the zit that sits above my lip and below my nose. I have not written my introductory comments yet. I have another thirty-six hours of medication applications before I need to have those done.
I spend my time knowing that I have created something fairly good and interesting and that’s why a senator is coming. I’m wondering why I am thinking more about my face than that fairly good and interesting thing. The stupid evangelist would not be thinking of his face. He was told that he was awesome for so long that he easily believed it even though it was not true. That’s all it takes, maybe. You are awesome, you are awesome, you are awesome, and then you think you are. The stupid evangelist with his cheap suits and his easy maleness and the convenient religion that allowed him to be more than his sweet wife and their sweet new baby girl never flinched. He took up all that space and made all that noise, but that was all okay. He was awesome. People told him so.
Listen, because I need you to hear this: I will tell you that you are awesome. Unlike the evangelist, I will say it because it is true, because I mean it. You are awesome. You are the opposite of taking up space and making noise. You are the poet and the poem. You are the clean piece of paper, smooth, unmarked, waiting for the ingredients to be assembled. I will put you on the wall where the senator can see you, where the world can see you, where we can read you and celebrate you always. I will put your poem on the wall, I will always put your poem on the wall, and I will use the stickiest tape, and I will hang it in exactly the right place, I will do all this for you, I promise.
JENNY POORE is a local education advocate and the director of the children’s writing non-profit WordWorks! She lives in Lynchburg, Virginia, with three kids, a husband, and a yellow dog named June Carter Cash. Two of her favorite things are coffee and Sherlock Holmes. You can read more of her stories and essays at www.sometimestherearestorieshere.com.
Oh! This is awesome. The thirteen-year-old in me needed to read that last paragraph time and time again. I’m so thankful you’ve written it, it’s an amazing new year gift. Thank you!
Beautiful. No fair making me cry first thing in the morning! Thank you. You’re awesome, too.
Oh my god, this essay was incredible. How many of us feel this way so often, and never see the evangelist? Thank you for this. That last paragraph is a stunner. I wonder how many other readers will feel their inner child lift her head and say, “Really? The stickiest tape?”
Here I was, just happily reading along, hating the evangelist, wary of the senator, worried about the zit, and then boom – you broke my heart. That last paragraph needs to go up on MY wall, immediately. Beautiful, Jenny. Simply beautiful.
Such honest sentiments presented with a subtle power. Beautiful.
Such gorgeous writing. And making such a beautiful point. Love this!
damnation, that’s good.
Fuck yeah!
Your gift is so much bigger than you know, and it stands out in a way that no zit could even try to compete.
Keep on giving this gift. You are awesome.
so great! just what i needed to read today. thank you.
The stickiest tape. Damn right! Thank you for this. I’m getting some sticky tape and planning to cover my walls!
This was amazing. AH-MA-ZING. I just had the good fortune of being published in the FGP Anthology and after reading this I feel unworthy to be printed when there are people out there who can write like this. Thank you, Jenny.
Oh wow, guys. Talk about the stickiest of sticky tape. You all have made my heart as warm as a heart can be today. I can’t thank you enough for reading and for your kind words. They mean more than you can know. Thank you all so much! xo
I always love the seeming discontinuity in narrative spaces and then the way they connect like I always knew they would!
Girl, what you just did was amazing. Thank you so much for getting kids interested in writing. I did wonder if the young lady whose poem you put on the wall reads at all.
Reading is why I started writing. Just wondered.
You too, my sister are amazing! Thanks for the encouragement and for all you do.
May you and yours have a joyous 2015!
Great writing, made my afternoon break in the studio a pleasure. Thank you.
Jenny. JENNY. (I am writing this like I know you even though I don’t but good lord, I want to) This is stunning. I don’t know any other way to describe it, except I want to scoop that girl up, read her poem and stick it on my wall.
I feel like we’re all best friends now. =) You guys are so awesome. Thanks so much for your kind words!
I concur with everyone’s comments. I love the way you put this together – genius. And the last paragraph, that’s Pinworthy:)!
Fabulous last paragraph!
I love this so much. Thank you, thank you.
Just now got around to reading this. Worth the wait!